WooCommerce MPN

How do I add a WooCommerce MPN field? Step by Step

Managing a WooCommerce store involves keeping your products organized and easy to identify.

One way to do this is by adding a WooCommerce MPN field, which allows you to assign a Manufacturer Part Number to each product.

In this guide:

We’ll walk you through why MPNs matter for your WooCommerce store and how adding them can improve your overall product management.

By the end:

You’ll know exactly how to add and manage MPNs in WooCommerce, making your store more organized and efficient.

What is MPN in WooCommerce?

An MPN, or Manufacturer Part Number, is a unique code given to a product by the company that made it.

Think of it like a fingerprint for the product! 🐾😄 it helps manufacturers, stores, and customers know exactly what the item is, even if there are other similar products.

For stores, adding a WooCommerce MPN is important because it helps keep products organized and easy to track.

If you have many products or variations (like different sizes or colors), having an MPN makes it much easier to identify each item.

Why Add an MPN Field to WooCommerce Products?

Adding an MPN field to your WooCommerce products comes with a lot of benefits that make running your store easier.

Here’s why it’s so useful:

1. Product Identification:

Imagine you’re selling different types of headphones.

Without a unique code like an MPN, it can be hard to tell them apart, especially if they look similar.

With an MPN, each product has its own unique number, making it easy to know exactly which item is which.

2. Inventory Management:

Keeping track of your stock can get tricky when you have lots of products.

An MPN helps by giving every item a unique code, so you can quickly check how many are left in stock and restock when needed.

It’s like having a label for each product that tells you exactly what it is and how many you have.

3. Searchability:

For customers, MPNs make finding products easier.

If a customer is looking for a specific item, they can search for it using the MPN, which leads them straight to the product they want.

This is especially helpful for stores with lots of similar products or variations.

Can You Add an MPN Field Manually in WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is great for setting up an online store, but it has some limitations! One of those is that it doesn’t give you a built-in option to add an MPN field directly to your product listings.

This means that if you want to add a Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) for each of your products, you can’t just do it manually in WooCommerce without some extra help like using coding.

To make things easier, you’ll need a plugin that allows you to add MPN fields without having to do any coding.

With the right plugin, you can easily create an WooCommerce MPN field, assign it to your products, and manage everything without any hassle.

This way, you get the benefit of unique product identification, better inventory management, and improved customer searchability, all with just a few clicks!

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Overview of a WooCommerce MPN Plugin

If you’re looking for an easy way to add MPN fields to your WooCommerce products, one plugin that really simplifies this process is the EAN, UPC, ISBN Generator plugin.

Add WooCommerce MPN plugin

This plugin is designed to help you automatically add fields for important product codes like MPNs, without needing any technical skills.

It works behind the scenes to ensure that each product gets its own unique MPN field, which you can easily fill in.

With this plugin:

You can not only add MPNs, but also other product codes like EANs and UPCs, making it super useful for WooCommerce stores that need more advanced product identification.

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Just 4 Easy Steps: Adding an MPN WooCommerce Field

Adding an MPN field to your WooCommerce products is easy when you use the EAN, UPC, ISBN Generator plugin.

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to help you set it up:

1. Install and Activate the Plugin

  • First, go to your WooCommerce dashboard and navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  • In the search bar, type “EAN for WooCommerce” and then click Install. After that, click Activate to get the plugin ready to use.

Add WooCommerce MPN - Install and Activate the Plugin

2. Enable the Plugin

  • Once the plugin is activated, head over to WooCommerce > Settings > EAN tab.
  • In the General tab, find the Enable plugin option and check the box.
  • This will turn on the plugin’s features for your store.

Add WooCommerce MPN - enable the Plugin

3. Adjust Settings for MPN

  • In the same General tab, you’ll find an option called Type. Choose Custom as the type.
  • In the Title field, name it “MPN” so that this field will be recognized as your MPN field.

Add WooCommerce MPN- Adjust Settings for MPN

  • Scroll down, and you’ll see options to choose where the MPN will appear, like on the Single product page, Shop pages, Cart, or Checkout.
  • Decide where you want the MPN to show up, and then in the template, type MPN: %ean%
  • Don’t forget to hit Save Changes!

Add WooCommerce MPN- Adjust Settings for MPN 2

4. Assign MPN to Products

  • Now, go to the product edit page.

Add WooCommerce MPN- Assign MPN to Products

  • Under Product data > Inventory, you’ll see a new field labeled MPN.
  • Here, you can enter the MPN for that product.
  • After adding the MPN, click Update to save your changes.

Add WooCommerce MPN- Assign MPN to Products 2

Here’s what it would look like 👇

Add WooCommerce MPN- what it would look like

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That’s it! 🥳 You’ve successfully added MPN fields to your WooCommerce!

For more details about installation and other features, the plugin provides full documentation at:

Doc of EAN and Barcodes for WooCommerce


Here’s a quick recap of what you’ve learned about adding WooCommerce MPN fields:

1. MPN Helps with Product Identification

Each product gets its own special code (MPN) to keep things organized and easy to find.

2. WooCommerce Doesn’t Have an MPN Field by Default

You need a plugin to add the MPN field, but it’s a simple process that saves you a lot of hassle.

3. Step-by-Step Setup

We covered how to > install and activate a plugin > Enable the Plugin > adjust the settings > and assign MPNs to your products.

4. MPNs Improve Inventory Management

Using MPNs makes it easier to keep track of your stock and helps customers quickly search for specific items.

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  • Do All Products Have an MPN?

No, not every product comes with an MPN. An MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) is a unique code used by some manufacturers to identify their products, but it’s not necessary for all items.

Big companies often use MPNs for things like electronics or car parts to make sure each product is easily recognized.

However, for items like handmade goods or products from smaller businesses, an MPN might not exist.

If you’re providing an MPN, make sure it’s the correct one. If you’re unsure, it’s best to leave it blank rather than guessing or making one up.

  • Is MPN Different from SKU?

Yes, MPN and SKU are different things, but both help identify products.

An MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) is a special code created by the manufacturer. It’s the same no matter where the product is sold, and it helps people all over the world recognize that specific item.

An SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), on the other hand, is a code created by a store. It’s only used within that store to keep track of their inventory.

SKUs can be different from one store to another, even for the same product.

So, while both MPNs and SKUs are important for identifying products, the MPN is set by the manufacturer and stays the same everywhere, while the SKU is used by stores for their own organization.

  • Is MPN the Same as GTIN?

No, MPN and GTIN are not the same, but they both help identify products in different ways.

An MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) is a unique code given to a product by the manufacturer, it helps the manufacturer and stores identify specific products, like a part for a car or a type of tool.

A GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) is a code used to identify products globally, and it’s usually shown as a barcode.

GTINs are used to track products all over the world, and they are always the same, no matter which store is selling the item.

So, while both MPN and GTIN help identify products, the MPN is created by the manufacturer, and the GTIN is a global code that helps track products internationally.

  • Is MPN the Same as ASIN?

No, MPN and ASIN are different codes used for different purposes.

An MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) is a unique code created by the manufacturer to identify a product, it’s the same no matter where the product is sold and helps both stores and customers know exactly what the item is.

An ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) is a special code used only by Amazon.

It helps Amazon keep track of the products they sell on their website.

Every product on Amazon has its own ASIN, but this number is only used on Amazon.

Both are used to identify products, but the MPN is from the manufacturer and used everywhere, while the ASIN is just for Amazon’s system.

  • What is an example of a MPN number?

An MPN (Manufacturer Part Number) is a unique code given to a product by the company that made it.

For example:

If a company makes a specific model of a laptop, they might give it an MPN like ABC12345.

Let’s say you’re looking for a certain type of printer ink, the manufacturer might use INK9876 as the MPN to identify that exact product.


This code helps stores and customers know exactly which item they are getting, even if the products look similar.

So, an MPN could look something like XYZ56789 or ABC12345, it’s just a unique code to help identify a product!

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