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Free Vs Pro Features


Feature Category Free Version Pro Version
General Options Enabled Enabled
Decimal Quantities Enabled Enabled
Decimal Quantities in Admin Order Enabled Enabled
Sold Individually Enabled Enabled
Change Minimum Quantity Enabled Enabled
“Add to Cart” Validation Enabled Enabled
Cart Notices Enabled Enabled
Block Checkout Page Enabled Enabled
Minimum Quantity Options Enabled Enabled
Quantity Step Options Enabled Enabled
Allowed Quantity Options Enabled Enabled
Quantity Dropdown Options Enabled Enabled
Pro Exclusive Features Enabled
Enable Quantity on Archive Pages Enabled
Per Category Maximum Quantity Options Enabled
Allow Changing Step Quantity if Stock is Low Enabled
Per Category Step Quantity Options Enabled
Show Price Unit on Category/Shop/Archive Pages Enabled
Allow Price Unit on Email Order Item Enabled
Single Product Page Custom Hook Enabled
Disable Plugin by URL Enabled
Disable Plugin by Category Enabled
Exclude Role Specific Enabled
Role Specific Enabled
Exclude Role Specific Enabled



Min Max Default Quantity for WooCommerce
