Can I limit users to purchasing only one item from my store?

Forums Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce Can I limit users to purchasing only one item from my store?

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  • #100990
    Geoff Materna

    Hello, Is there a way to set so that a user can only make a purchase once and also have a max quantity of whatever product they buy? So once someone buys something under a set quantity, they are no longer able to buy that or anything else from my store?


    Hello Geoff,

    > Hello, Is there a way to set so that a user can only make a purchase once

    Could you kindly elaborate on this? Do you want your new customers to purchase several items at once or only one item overall?

    Kind regards,

    Geoff Materna

    We want to be able to limit a user to only be able to make one purchase of one product up to a total quantity we can set. Imagine it as selling tickets to an event, you can purchase up to a certain limit of tickets to an event and then not be able to purchase any more after completing the purchase. Our products are timeslots for a specific event so we want to allow people to register and add the qty of tickets they need to their cart, confirm, then not be able to buy any other tickets.


    Hi Geoff,

    Unfortunately, this will not be possible. Our plugin can only set a maximum lmit for a certain date range. For example a user can buy 5 tickets a month. They may do that in 2, 3, 4 or even 5 orders. But if the limit is 5 and it is still within the time period the user will be able to order.

    It is not possible to block a user from purchasing if they had a limit of 5 but only purchase 2 in their first order. They would still be able to purchase the remainder of 3.

    Geoff Materna

    Thanks for the insight. I was able to get this functioning as I needed by setting it to only allow one purchase per account then added code to functions.php that only allows one item to be in the cart at a time.



    I am glad to know the issue has been resolved.

    If you have any other questions or need assistance, please let us know.

    Kind regards,

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