How can we prevent wholesaler B from buying the remaining units?

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  • #100624


    We set limitation in per product for different role of user .

    Ex; we have 100 Qty in stocks … and divided 50 – 50 limit qty to two roles wholesaler and customer , let say if wholesaler A purchased all 50 units . then we can restrict to wholesaler B to purchased remaining units ..  bcoz we have set remaing 50 for customer.

    in this plugin have option to prevent user roles purchased exceed limits..



    We set limitation in per product for different role of user .

    Ex; we have 100 Qty in stocks … and divided 50 – 50 limit qty to two roles wholesaler and customer , let say if wholesaler A purchased all 50 units . Can we restrict to wholesaler B to purchased remaining units ?  ..  bcoz we have set remaing 50 qty for customer.

    in this plugin have option to prevent user roles purchased exceed limits..



    Yes, you can limit the maximum products per user role. The option is available under the General settings of the plugin.

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