How do I set purchase limits per category?

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  • #100818

    I have just bought Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce

    I want to limit my customers to purchasing from A catalogs. 3 pieces per day only.

    Check from order status complete, pending payment, awaiting payment, processing.

    What do I have to do?

    Your FAQ can’t help me?

    You have video how to use Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce?



    Here are the steps you need to follow to configure this in the plugin’s settings:

    General > Mode > Product Quantities
    General > Date range > This day
    General > Order Statuses > Complete, Pending Payment, Processing, Awaiting Payment
    Limits > Per product category > Enable
    Formula > Limits by formula > Enable

    and use the following formula

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="3" user_role="customer" term_id="123"]

    in the formula replace the 123 with the actual category ID.

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