How to setup with Currency Switcher For WooCommerce?

Forums Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce How to setup with Currency Switcher For WooCommerce?

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  • #88408

    Hello we have a problem setting this plugin correct while using Currency Switcher For WooCommerce + Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce.

    We need free shipping to work for different currency

    $ 65 = free shipping
    Danish DKK 500 = free shipping
    € 65 = free shipping

    and so on.

    Can you somehow show how to setup both plugins to work like this?

    I have tried to set your plugin under manual min amount like this

    enable section – yes

    manual min amount 65

    user roles – Guest + Customer
    Currencies – Danish dkk
    shipping zones – none (tryed with denmark but didnt do any diffrence)

    Extra options: amounts

    Guest – Danish Krone = 500
    Customer – Danish Krone = 500

    WooCommerce Currecny Switcher – Enable

    But the free shipping only work on $ and € at the moment

    In the other plugin (Woocommerce currency Switcher)
    I have enable individual fixed amount for shipping + is miltiple allowed = yes

    What am i missing here to get it to work for Danish shipping?

    Looking forward to a fast replay.

    Niclas Krabbe Rosenby

    The problem is atm when i choose DKK then it works as i want to but if i then change to another currency then my free shipping gets removed and i know have to pay for shipping. (the adress is the same) only the currency changed



    Can you please try in the Manual Min Amount tab > Extra Options > Currencies and leave it blank. Only enable the compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher. Once you enable compatibility the $65 should automatically get converted to the user’s currency.

    It is not possible to set different shipping amounts for different currencies and convert them at the same time.

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