Is plugin WPML ready?

Forums Related Categories for WooCommerce Is plugin WPML ready?

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    is the plugin not WPML ready?

    Here is the German page:

    But the related catgeroy is not being shown on the respective English page:

    Please assist. Thanks

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support


    I’ve just tested it on my server, and it seems to be working fine. One note though – if you are referring to our “Relate Manually” settings, you will need to set the related categories for both translations of your category, i.e. in “Products > Categories > Original category (DE)” and in “Products > Categories > Translated category (EN)”.

    If that doesn’t help – would it be possible to share access to your site, so I could log in and check what’s going on (my email is [email protected])? Please let me know if sharing an account is not an option, and I will continue solving it remotely.

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    I also should have mentioned that there is “Multi-language” option in “WooCommerce > Settings > Related Categories > Advanced” – if set to “WPML”, it will take the original (default) WPML language product/product category settings instead of translated one. I.e. you will need to set related categories for the default site language only, and it will automatically apply the same settings for the translations.

    P.S. Our plugin supports Polylang multi-language as well.


    hi, i’m try to do what you wrote on last post reply. I try with these custom fields setted both with “not translate” and ” copy” but doesn’t work. On translated product page “related category” isn’t showed.

    I try also to translate some admin strings that i think that are connected with visualization of “related categories”.

    So can you give me more details to display the categories manually selected on the original product page in translated product page?

    Tom Anbinder
    Plugin Support

    Hi, @kootj-net,

    Would it be possible to share access to your site, so I could log in and check what’s going on (my email is [email protected])?

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