Hope I can reach someone here, as my latest emails did not receive any answer, although I bought the pro license.
Shortcodes page for Additional custom emails for WC is still not available. Without this documentation, it is quite useless to contiunue working with this plugin. So I hope you respond, so I do not have to use the money back guarantee.
Additionally, what I still do not get is why I can not use this variable {item_names} but this for instance {order_number} in the subject line. https://woocommerce.com/document/email-variables-and-merge-tags/#section-2
I am using the plugin “Flexible checkout fields” to gather additional info. All of these data has a meta names (i.e. “_billing_title”) , but it seems that I can not use them with your plugin. Or I am using the wrong spelling.
Further help and support appreciated!