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Manual Min Amount Options

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Setting Up Manual Minimum Amounts for Free Shipping with the Free Shipping Amount Label & Progress Bar for WooCommerce

The Free Shipping Amount Label & Progress Bar for WooCommerce offers flexibility for stores using non-standard free shipping methods. This article explores the “Manual min amount options” section of the plugin and how to configure it for your specific needs.

Understanding Manual Minimum Amounts

  • By default, the plugin automatically retrieves the minimum free shipping amount from your WooCommerce settings.
  • However, if you’re using custom free shipping methods (not the standard WooCommerce “Free Shipping”), you’ll need to set the minimum amount manually.

Manual Min Amount Section

  • Enable manual min amount section: Activate this option to configure manual minimum amounts.
  • Amount: Enter the minimum order value required to qualify for free shipping.

Special values

  • Empty or Zero (0): Ignores the manual value and attempts automatic retrieval.
  • Free shipping: Displays the free shipping message regardless of the cart total.
  • Minus one (-1): Disables the functionality (acts like zero).
  • Hide: Hides the “amount left for free shipping” text.

Extra Options: Amounts

Define individual minimum amounts based on

  • User roles: Set different minimums for guest users, administrators, editors, etc.
  • Currencies: Specify minimums for specific currencies (e.g., USD, EUR).
  • Shipping zones: Configure minimums for designated shipping zones (e.g., North America, Europe).


The plugin offers compatibility with specific third-party plugins, such as the “WooCommerce Currency Switcher” by realmag777. This ensures the manual minimum amount automatically converts to the current currency.


By effectively utilizing the “Manual min amount options,” you can ensure accurate free shipping information is displayed even with non-standard methods. Specifying minimum amounts based on user roles, currencies, and shipping zones allows for targeted free shipping promotions, potentially leading to increased sales and conversions.


Free Shipping Bar: Amount Left for Free Shipping for WooCommerce
