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Difference between Free and Pro versions


Free Version

Pro Version

Product Targeting

Enable for all products or exclude out-of-stock products

Enable for all, exclude out-of-stock, products with a price, or within a price range. Target by product or variation.

Category Targeting


Require or exclude offers on products within specific categories.

Button Customization

Limited customization: label, position on product page

Extensive customization: HTML class, style, advanced positions, shortcode for placement.

Field Control

Enable/disable some fields, choose required fields

Control all field display and requirement (quantity, customer info, message, etc.).

Price Input

Basic input field

Set price step, minimum/maximum offer, define default price suggestion.

Quantity Control


Set default quantity for offer submissions.

Messaging & Notices

Limited control over form messages and customer notices

Customize form header, button style, footer, and define required HTML structure for forms and customer notices.

Email Notifications

Basic notification emails with limited customization

Specify recipients, customize email subject, heading, and detailed templates with various placeholders for clear communication. Action-specific emails for different actions (reject, accept, counter).