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Data Range & Multilanguage Options

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Date Range Options for Maximum Products per User

The “Maximum Products per User” for WooCommerce offers various date range options to define purchase limits within specific timeframes. This empowers you to tailor these limits to your store’s needs.

Here’s a breakdown of the available options

Predefined Ranges

  • Lifetime: This sets a limit that applies to a user’s entire purchase history within your store.
  • This Hour/Day/Week/Month/Year: These options restrict purchases within the specified timeframe (e.g., a user can only buy a maximum quantity within the current week).
  • Last Hour/Day/Week/Month/Year: These options define limits based on the user’s purchase history within the specified past timeframe (e.g., a user can only buy a maximum quantity within the last 30 days).

Customizable Ranges

  • Custom Range: This allows you to define a specific date range (e.g., from July 4th to July 15th) for the limit to apply.
  • Fixed Date: Set a single fixed date as the limit’s endpoint (e.g., all purchases before December 1st count towards the limit).
  • Monthly: This creates a recurring monthly limit that resets at the beginning of each month.

Additional Considerations

  • Unit: When defining custom date ranges, you can specify the unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks) to ensure precise control.
  • Origin Date: For the “Custom Range” and “Fixed Date” options, you can choose the origin date from which the timeframe is calculated. Options include the user’s registration date or a MemberPress subscription date (if applicable).
  • Week Starts On: Define which day marks the beginning of a week for weekly limitations (Sunday is the default).

By effectively utilizing these date range options, you can create dynamic purchase limits that cater to various scenarios. For instance, you can set a higher lifetime limit for loyal customers while imposing stricter limits on high-demand items during launch weeks.


Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce
