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Data Recalculation

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  • Force manual recalculation: While automatic recalculation happens after plugin activation, the Pro version lets you manually trigger it using the “Recalculate sales data” tool. This is useful for capturing historical sales data before activating the plugin.

Limiting Options

  • Mode: The Pro version expands limiting options beyond just product quantities.

You can set limits based on

  • Product orders
  • Product prices (including and excluding tax)
  • Product weights
  • Product volumes

Order Statuses & Payment Gateways

  • You can define which order statuses and payment gateways are considered when calculating limits. This allows for more granular control.

Frontend Controls

  • Quantity Input: Set a maximum value for the product quantity field based on the user’s remaining limit.
  • Add to Cart Button: Disable the button if the user has reached their limit for that product.
  • Variations: Include product variations in “All products” and “Per product” calculations. You can override this setting for each individual product.

User Role Limits

  • Set different purchase limits for users based on their role (e.g., higher limits for wholesalers).

Hiding Products

  • Hide products from the catalog and search results for users who have already reached the limit for those products.

Payment Method Specific Limits

  • Track user purchases based on the chosen payment method, allowing for more flexible limit management (combine with disabling “Validate on add to cart” for a smoother checkout experience when exceeding limits).

Date Range Flexibility

The Pro version offers a wider range of date range options for calculating limits, including

  • This hour, Last hour
  • This week, Last week
  • Custom date range with unit selection (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks)
  • Fixed date range with origin date options (user register date, MemberPress subscription date)

Multi-language Support

  • The Pro version supports WPML and Polylang plugins for seamless integration with multilingual websites.


Recalculating sales data is required after changing options like “Mode,” “Order statuses,” “Payment gateways,” and “Multi-language.”


Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce
