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  • in reply to: How can I limit customers to ten purchases per day? #100936


    > customer can only purchase the limitation total as i set.for example just 10item across all the product by daily .

    To do this, please also follow these general steps:

    1. Set Mode to Product quantities.

    2. Then assign the products to a particular tag.

    3. Next navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > Limits and enable Per product tag option.

    4. Now go to Products > Tags > Your tag > Edit and set Limit per user option to 10.

    Please give it a try, let me know if you need more help.

    in reply to: How can I limit customers to ten purchases per day? #100934


    Thank you for reaching out.

    Yes, it is possible with our plugin. To do this, please follow these general steps:

    1. First navigate to  WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General  and set Date range to This day.

    2. Next, go to the Limits section and enable the All products option. Then set the Limit per user to 10.

    This setting will reset every day.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hello Sandra,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    > The tag restriction will work only after the user bought 1 of the product

    Can you please elaborate on this? Are you saying the tag restriction should only work when a user purchases a product, or do you want to block guests from purchasing products beyond the limits?

    If you want to block guests from purchasing products beyond the limits, then please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General and set Guests to Do nothing but block guests from purchasing products beyond the limits option.

    Please let me know if you need any help.


    Hello Ned,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    > I would like to limit each customer can buy 1 pcs of 1 product from this tag.

    It should not be possible using Limits > Per product tag option. For example, if a consumer buys a product X from Tag A and the Tag A limit is set to 1, the buyer won’t be able to buy anything else with the same tag.

    But there are some other ways to solve the problem without using any tags.

    First solution:

    1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General and set the Date range to This day, set Order statuses to the relevant order statuses.
    2. Next, go to the Limits section and enable the Per product option there. This will add a new meta box to each product’s edit page.
    3. Then go to the product’s Edit Product page and set the Limit per user to 1.

    Second Solution:

    You may use the formula to limit the purchase of your product. Your settings in the General section should be the same though.
    1. In the Limits section, enable the Per product option.
    2. Next, go to the Formula section and enable Limit by formula. Then, you may use a shortcode such as

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" product_id="12,13,14"]

    Here you just need to update the product_id attribute. You can find the product_id on your product page. Navigate to the area of the WordPress Admin, go to Products > All Products. Then you will hover over products that you want to know the ID for. This ID will appear under the name of any product.

    Please give these a try. I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hello Paul,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin.

    Can you please let us know which plugin you are using for the Square payment method? Can you please give us the link to the plugin or it would be better if you could send us a zip file of the plugin so we can test it on our end? You can send it to [email protected].


    Hi Kamran,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    > How do I generate and download a revenue or profit report for a specific time period, such as a week or a month?

    The only profit report available in the free version is the WooCommerce > Analytics > Orders, as long as you enable it at WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Tools & Reports > Analytics > Orders tab > Add Cost and Profit columns. Then you may select the appropriate date range from the Date range option in Analytics > Orders section. You can download the report in CSV format by using the Download option there.

    > Is there any easier way to enter the cost of products in products, have to load every page to enter cost of every product which is very time consuming

    We regret to inform you that there is no easier way to enter the product’s cost if you are using the free version of the plugin. However, you may add a Cost field to product Quick Edit and Bulk Action > Edit in our Pro version of the plugin to make this procedure a lot easier.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hello Bram,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    > Why is profit % calculated by dividing with cost of goods.

    Because it is the profit percentage. This profit is based on the cost price, so it might exceed 100%.

    > Normal way is to divide with selling price

    I believe you are referring to profit margin, which is calculated with the selling price taken as base. With our plugin, you can show the profit margin in admin single product edit pages, in the admin products list “Profit” column. To do this, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Products and set the Product profit HTML template to the %profit_margin% placeholder. Now enable the Admin products list columns > Product profit.

    Also, you can show profit margin in the admin order edit pages. To do so, go to the Orders section and paste %profit_margin% placeholder in the input field under the Meta box.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hello Dylan,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    > which plugin: Order Minimum/Max… or Maximum Products Per User would be better to use?

    If you want to limit the number of each product variation available to one per customer for a specific period of time, Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce plugin would be a better fit.

    To set the limit, follow these general steps:

    1. You should navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > General. Then select the relevant Date range for the limits and enable the Use variations option.

    2. Now go to the Limits section and enable the Per product option.

    3. Next, go to the Formula section and enable Limits by formula. Now you may use a formula such as:

    [alg_wc_mppu limit="1" product_id="3977,3978,3979"]

    Here you need to update the product_id attribute with your each product variation’s ids. You may find each variation’s ID on your Edit product page.

    > It seems like everything offered in Maximum Products Per User is offered in this plugin. Is that true? Is it possible to set a more complex order minimum and maximum amount in Woocommerce?

    Both plugins allow users to do complex things. With Maximum Products per User for WooCommerce, you can set a date range to your limit and use formulas to limit the purchase of your product. On the other hand, the Order minimum/Maximum Amount for WooCommerce plugin lets you set minimum amounts for orders. You can also set the amount per shipping method/zone and per payment gateway, by currency.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hi Melissa,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You may stop the customer from accessing the checkout page if they exceed their limits. To do this, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Maximum Products per User > Frontend. Now enable the option under Block checkout page.

    Also, please ensure that our free version of the plugin has been deactivated. Because not deactivating the free version of the plugin might occasionally cause problems,

    If these instructions do not resolve your issue, could you please share your WordPress dashboard access with us so we can look into it? You can send the login details to: [email protected]



    Actually, you can include total profit but not include profit margin in the analytics report. In the plugin’s settings, under the orders tab, in the Order Profit section, you can enable the Profit, Profit Percentage, and Profit Margin options. These will then show up on each order. Also, you may navigate to WooCommerce > Reports > Stock > Cost of Goods to see the Cost of Goods stock report. There you can find your company’s profit margin. Only products with costs, prices, and stock are counted in this report, and all prices exclude tax. However, I have forwarded your request to our development team. They will check the viability of this and get back to you as soon as they can.


    Hello, Corbin.

    Thank you for contacting us.

    We’re sorry you’re experiencing trouble. Can you please make sure you are using the latest versions of WooCommerce and our plugin? Also, make sure you have deactivated the free version of the plugin.

    You can get the most recent version of our plugin from here.



    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    In your analytics report, you may include profit margin. To enable the feature, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Cost of Goods > Tools & Reports. Now enable Analytics > Orders tab options.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.

    in reply to: Is it possible to set a minimum order total? #93185

    Hello Deniel,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    >  I want to add a minimal value of items to be rented, by sum of products or minimum purchase quantity.

    To add minimal value to the items, please navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Order Min/Max Amount > General. Set Amount limits to Minimum. Now if you want the minimal value of an item to be ranted by sum, set Amount types to Sum, or if you want it by purchase quantity, set Amount types to Quantity. Now go to the Amounts section and set Min Sum/Min quantity (based on your setting) to your minimum required value.

    >  Is it possible to add this message to your notifications?

    Our plugin shows notification when the sum of your cart order does not satisfy the minimum requirement or exceeds the maximum requirement. You can’t give notice except in these two cases.

    > I see that you manage some shortcodes that show some sums, is it possible to add this?

    You may use this shortcode in the Messages section of the plugin. For example, if you want to show the message on the cart page, enable cart > Cart notices and paste this shortcode.

    [alg_wc_oma_amount_msg min_or_max="min" sum_or_qty="sum"]You must have an order with a minimum of %min_order_sum% to place your order, your current order total is %cart_total_sum%. You need %min_order_sum_diff%. Please add 70% of the total in cash as a deposit at the time of picking the products[/alg_wc_oma_amount_msg]

    Here, %min_order_sum% is a placeholder which will display the cart’s total and %min_order_sum_diff% will display how much you need to meet the minimum requirement to order an item. But we regret that you will be unable to perform mathematical operations using the placeholders and that there is no placeholder right now to show the percentage of the cart’s total to the notice. However, I have forwarded your request to our development team. They will check the viability of this and get back to you as soon as they can.

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any other questions or need assistance, please contact me.


    Hello Gabriel,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    You may navigate to WooCommerce > Settings > Email Verification > General and disable the Login on activation option. This would prevent all of your users from automatically logging in after the account is verified. But you can’t send different activation emails depending on the account type and prevent a user from logging in once they’ve registered and verified the account. However, I have forwarded your idea to our development team. They will check the viability of this and get back to you as soon as they can.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: Why can’t I activate the plugin on our website? #93183


    Please make sure you have deactivated the free version of the plugin. To deactivate a plugin, you simply need to visit the Plugins » Installed Plugins page inside your WordPress admin area. From here, you need to locate the free version of the plugin. Next, take your mouse to the plugin’s row, and it will show you a link to deactivate. Clicking on the link will simply deactivate the plugin right away.

    Now, please follow these general steps to activate the plugin:

    1. Download plugin’s zip to your computer (You should receive an email with a download link after buying the plugin., or you can always download the plugin from your account).

    2. Go to Admin Dashboard > Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin and browse for the downloaded zip file. If plugin is successfully installed, you should see it added to the Plugins list. All you need to do now is go to the plugin that you just uploaded and click on ‘Activate’. WordPress will complete the installation of the plugin and you’ll get a ‘Plugin activated’ message if everything went all right.

    3. To keep the plugin items up-to-date, use the WPFactory Helper plugin.

    If you can’t activate the plugin after following these steps, then could you share your WordPress dashboard access with us so we can check into it? You can send the login details to: [email protected]

    I hope you found this information beneficial. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me.

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