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Enabling Stock Alerts on Your WooCommerce Wishlist

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Empower your customers with real-time information by enabling stock alerts on your WooCommerce Wishlist page. With our plugin, users can receive email notifications when a previously out-of-stock item becomes available again. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up stock alerts:

 Step 1: Navigate to WooCommerce Wishlist Settings

  1.  Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2.  Find and click on “WooCommerce” in the left-hand menu.
  3. Locate the Wishlist tab and click on it.

 Step 2: Access Wishlist Page Settings

  1.  Under the Wishlist tab, look for the Wishlist Page or a similar option.

 Step 3: Enable Stock Alerts

  1.  Within the Wishlist Page settings, find the Stock Alert or a similar option.
  2. Enable this option to allow customers to receive stock alerts for wishlist items.

 Step 4: Customer Email Input

  1.  Once enabled, customers will have the option to input their email address on the wishlist page.
  2.  When a product is out of stock, users can subscribe to stock alerts by entering their email.

 Step 5: Receive Email Notifications

  1.  When a previously out-of-stock item is replenished, customers who subscribed to stock alerts will receive email notifications.

 Step 6: Save Changes

  1. Don’t forget to save your changes to activate the stock alert feature.

Now, your WooCommerce Wishlist page is equipped with a stock alert system, ensuring that customers stay informed about the availability of their desired items.


Wishlist for WooCommerce
